Passion | People | Performance | Partnerships | Innovation | Sustainability

31410 Castaic Road | Castaic CA 91384 | P 661 993 9312


Our Commitment



We are driven by an unwavering passion for the hospitality industry. We thrive on the dynamic nature of this ever-evolving field, constantly seeking new opportunities to innovate and exceed expectations.



At the core of our success lies our exceptional team of talented and dynamic individuals. Their dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence are instrumental in driving our growth and ensuring memorable experiences for our guests.



As we continue to expand, our achievements are reflected in the numbers that speak volumes. We measure success not only by financial performance but also by the immeasurable impact we make on the lives of our guests, employees, and communities.



We believe in the power of collaboration and long-lasting partnerships. By working closely with our stakeholders, including owners, employees, and suppliers, we create synergies that propel us towards even greater success.



Embracing innovation is at the heart of our commitment. We continuously explore new ideas, technologies, and trends to enhance our offerings and deliver unparalleled experiences to our guests.



We are deeply committed to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Through sustainable practices, community engagement, and ethical operations, we strive to make a positive impact on the planet and the communities we serve.


Our mission is to create exceptional value for Guests, Associates, and Investors by owning, managing, and operating a portfolio of hotels across the nation. We are committed to delivering memorable experiences, fostering growth and development for our team members, and maximizing returns for our valued investors. Through our expertise in both ownership and management, we ensure the highest standards of quality, service, and profitability in every aspect of our hotel operations.


We prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of our guests, associates, and investors. By cultivating a culture of respect, inclusivity, and teamwork, we create an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to our collective success.


We believe in open and honest communication. We proactively share information, seek feedback, and encourage dialogue to foster trust, collaboration, and mutual understanding among our stakeholders.


We hold ourselves accountable for our actions, commitments, and results. We take ownership of our responsibilities and strive to exceed expectations, consistently delivering on our promises.


We are unwavering in our pursuit of excellence. With meticulous attention to detail, we maintain the highest standards of quality, service, and professionalism in every aspect of our hotel operations, ensuring unparalleled guest experiences.


We recognize that profitability is essential for sustaining our business and creating value for our investors. By diligently managing resources, optimizing revenue streams, and fostering operational efficiency, we generate strong financial returns.


We are dedicated to being responsible corporate citizens. We actively engage with and support the communities in which we operate, promoting social and environmental initiatives that make a positive impact and contribute to the well-being of all.